This week I had my ”last” business meetings for a while (holiday!) and I do have exciting plans for the autumn. I will meet people in physical spaces again… but first my hammock is waiting.
So, holiday is approaching. I usually keep it an open space for emergence. Right now there are two topics on the wall (referring to an Open Space Technology meeting, where participants create an agenda from what is most passionate for each of them). Visiting my wife’s family in her hometown is one of them. The other one is going on a tour to the region of Dalsland with my motorbike and hammock (to rest and sleep).
On these journeys I have lots of space for following my passion as there are many opportunities to choose from especially in Dalsland where I will be choosing where to sleep every night. At a lake, in a beautiful forest on a mountain…? We have this Right of Public Access in Sweden which gives me the right to put my hammock for one night almost anywhere! The picture that comes with this post is from a nearby lake where I tried my equipment for the first time last year.
This freedom of being in open space is what I call holiday! I wish you a good one too!
If you want to read a longer story about travelling in open space. Read my previous blog post from a 6 months journey we did a few years back.
…and if you wish to learn everyday ways to use Open Space Technology, join our 3-day training in the Netherlands in September. AND it is followed by a Genuine Contact Mentoring circle if you can stay on to meet other collegues. All in physical spaces!
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