Datum: 28 maj 2019
Are you someone who thinks globally?
Do you support others to grow, learn and do meaningful work together?
Let’s share, nourish our souls and serve our projects!
… May 28 / June 19 / July 22 / Aug 28 / Sept 24 …
You are invited
… into an oasis for people from different walks of life: be it business, environmental causes, politics, spirituality, healthcare, education, etc.
… who come together in circle, virtually and globally
… to support each others emergence as leaders and help each other make a bigger difference
… with the intention to strengthen the opportunities for joy and harmony in the world.
This might be for you if you:
- take a global perspective
- have a cause you are passionate about
- consider yourself a leader who is committed to continuous evolution
- walk your talk (sometimes slipping, as we all do) and
- want to have a good time together with other like-minded and like-hearted people
You get to
- relax into a skillfully facilitated online space
- fill up your energy tank
- share what is meaningful to you
- tap into the genius of others who also go through life with a high intention
- experiment in a way you may not elsewhere
- move forward having grown as a leader
What happens?
In our meetings we spend 2,5 hours together, using processes that allow us to tap into our co-creative genius.
All meetings stand by themselves. You can join once, regularly, or every now and then. In our gatherings we combine whole group sharing, small groups, pairs, and individual reflection, and co-creating our agenda as in Open Space Technology.
We expect intriguing conversations, lots of learning, sharing of resources, building of connections and… being surprised by what becomes possible when great people come together in the spirit of honesty, service and playfulness.
You are welcome if you are willing to
- prepare a good space for yourself from which you call in, so that you can be fully present
- follow what has heart and meaning to you
- listen with generous ears & share your truth free of blame or judgement
- be curious and open to outcome
(inspired by Angeles Arrien, The Four-Fold Way)
Your hosts
Marai Kiele (Germany) is always looking for what brings out the essence in human beings. You will find her going to the edge of the unknown, integrating and combining the best of different worlds: business & spirituality, personal development & organisational evolution, sincerity & playfulness… She has been described as an “Energy Weaver” and someone who finds the hidden treasures in conflicts. She helps leaders and teams to align with themselves and the larger evolutionary impulse. She founded Joyful Together, which also describes her global vision.
Thomas Herrmann (Sweden) is a bridge builder, active in various local as well as global initiatives and communities. His mission is to release life power in people, organisations and society. He has more than two decades of experience facilitating sustainable development processes around complex issues. Thomas has trained several hundred people, making even more ripples around the world. He is an expert in facilitating participative online meetings. Thomas is the founder of Open Space Consulting.
Date & Time (choose one or several)
Dates: May 28 / June 19 / July 22 / Aug 28 / Sept 24 / … 2019
Time: 18 h European Central / 12noon EST / 9.30pm IST
Duration: 2,5 hours (if 2,5 hours is too big of a time commitment, come for the first hour to ”taste” our offer).
Check your time zone
Yes, I want to register!
Meeting Software
For our online meeting space we use QiqoChat, a collaborative software that gives us audio, video as well as whiteboards and breakout rooms to play with. To participate you need a computer with webcam and microphone. You will receive sign in information after you have registered.
Who pays for my attendance?
We aren’t “charging” for this offer. At the same time we need your support for our work in order to be sustainable.
Our idea: You reserve your seat via Eventbrite free of charge. Then you experience and hopefully appreciate the meeting. Afterward you are invited to contribute an amount that suits you–which enables us to continue doing the work we do (this form of contribution was inspired by Marshall Rosenberg). Imagine that you create an opportunity for another participant.
First timers: If during the meeting you realize, “this is not for me”, please follow your heart and honour yourself & the group by leaving at any time (also known as The Law of Two Feet / “Law of One Mouse-click”).
Our facilitation is rooted in Genuine Contact™ – a holistic approach to organizational success. In order to support the work that is done to grow Genuine Contact in the world, 20% of the revenue from this initiative go to the International Genuine Contact Organisation.
Come if you are willing to enter an open space filled with possibility.
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